Time for another update.
I have now taken photographs of my entire match programme and ticket collection, and these have now been added to the match reports pages. Since my last blog post I have also put together my notes on the matches played in the 1970s and 1980s, and will soon start on writing the individual reports. My aim is to complete this section by the end of next week, after which I will set about doing a bit of proofreading.
With some of the match reports being quite lengthy I have decided that I will split the section up, so that each match report will be on its own page and accessible from the main menu; in working on the new additions I found that some of the existing pages were way too long, and with the addition of the match programme details became longer still. The match pages will now consist of:
– match summary (score, teams, goalscorers)
– match programme details
– full match report
– cumulative overall statistics
I might end up adding more stuff as I go along, of course!